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Building RTME

Requirements and prerequisites

  • Ubuntu 20.04
  • CMake 3.21

After unpacking the source, install the latest C++ SDK release for Ubuntu 20.04 with GNU ABI in ext-lib/sdk-release-ubuntu-20.04-gcc-gnustl in the unpacked source directory. This is the only manual step, the build script will handle installing other dependencies and building the project.

Building the Ubuntu 20.04 application and all components

Run the setup/ script to download and build other dependencies, such as the AWS SDK. The script creates three directories:

  • build_dir: The CMake build directory
  • install_dir: The installation directory of the project
  • build_docker_dir: The pre-packaging directory for creating a docker image

The install_dir directory contains the build artifacts, dependencies, and public headers of the RTME project; it does not contain the C++ SDK libraries or the desktop application. The build_docker_dir directory contains everything.

After a successful build, the transcription docker image is created and the tarball, which contains it, is compressed in the build_docker_dir.

Building directly from CMake

If the setup/ script has been run at least once, all required dependencies in the ext-lib directory are prepared. At this point, it is possible to build the RTME project directly from CMake with no custom config params required, as in the following example:

    cmake -GNinja <RTME_source_directory> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo
cmake --build .

The RTME project can be included as a subproject in another CMake project. The installed artifacts contain CMake module definitions to simplify importing prebuilt components into your CMake project.